In the game we take together with different tragedys and story content, there is also an innovative production system based on the developer team mentioned, and a system you are familiar with other games along with this production system. During the time you get involved in the game, it is very important to gather resources around. With these resources, of course, the production mechanism can be entered into the mechanics and you can create new items with the resources you choose. In the game, of course, you can make different productions by choosing multiple sources and you can also produce very different content. That’s why every source comes together with different content here and we can also benefit from these sources to create different items.

There are different recipes in the game and we are able to equip our own character with different content with such materials unique in this production venue. There are different slot parts in the game. We can transfer these slot parts to the items of resources we produce, and also bring ourselves to strong position with character customization.

With these elements that can gain unique features and be useful to ourselves, we are trying to overcome challenging enemies by coming to more powerful positions, and we are able to increase our chances of being alive here, of course. So we can talk about this kind of production mechanics in the game, and we can confirm what we can be quite boiled together with this mechanic. These mechanics of course can use each player in a different way and take place in the game with different contents and items.

A number of different story content can enter different forests to improve our own domination in the construction we can encounter, step towards deserts, disappear in forests, and we are able to build various huts to bura. In the game, of course, we can do our best to build various temples, which will attract on the admire of around, and at the same time we can climb here towards the high hills. While we command a strong castle outside of this, of course it can feel cold feeling and we can also find ourselves in different climate conditions. In the game, the sun can come to the parts of the cold climate with the deserts, and in addition, we can encounter different air changes here. We can switch to a buza-coated tower and upgrade this tower, as well as different elements are offered to us in the construction we can defend at the same time, and we can also identify a game style that belongs to ourselves here to address the existing regions.

The game also has 3 different game modes and you can choose from these game modes and customize your own game style. With high fantasy mode, a structure that you can add to the penalties when you die with. You also have a really challenging experience with this mode. You are resurrected in the nearest friendly region when you die in this construction that you can join different penalties. This mode actually comes out as the easiest mode of the game but it still offers a challenging experience. Game modes are prepared to go together with more demanding content and content restrictions. These are of course can show variables according to players’ experience and requests.

There are two different game modes to match your game style. With the dark fantasy mode, a structure that our character can be deleted with each death in the game is transferred to us. It is believed that if you have created what in the game at the same time and what you did. So this game mode really accommodates in a difficult content and each death can give you the reason to completely reset here. So those who like this type of game modes, of course, can experience those who want to have a high level structure. By creating new character, you can also try to influence the world again. So deaths in the game are permanently opposing, and after death, you can still start the game again to create a character and start progress towards where you get from scratch here.

</v = </v='http://img = 'http://img = 'http://img = 'http://img = 'http://img = ' Of course, if you are not satisfied with this difficulty, you can get in the most demanding fashion. You can encounter a system that will completely destroy your character and the world. In the most difficult mode, both your character and the world are completely eliminated. There are also no progress in the game.We are able to attack the enemies as they are completely, and we can transfer them here that there is no mercy. In the game, only certain parts can work and because any progress is not recorded, of course, there is a really challenging structure in the game. Therefore, in this mode you can really be forced and you will not be able to exit. If you want to have a high level of difficulty with it and if you want to eat the head on the one hand, this mode really fits you.

If we are going to be short, a top-looking structure is back in the game and it is prepared to go to the game with pixel graphics. In the game where we want, we are waiting for different parts, of course, and here we can take steps towards new regions. In the character and skill-oriented construction, we can explore around when moving towards different regions, and at the same time, we can encounter different production centers. In the game you can build, produce and build new items by making resources for the time you are located outside. So this is aimed at providing players a wide range of content.


The game currently Steam page is open and you can add to your request list via Steam page and be informed of the game on the day it is released. Apart from that there is still a demo version on the Steam page to the game. With this demo version, you can play a part of the game for free and learn how it has a structure. This demo version is very important for players. So if you are willing to add and add the game together with this demo version, you can also decide whether to buy and buy.

The game prepared to meet with its wide range content is prepared to come to the systems of game lovers on 4 December. If you like these games and want to live a new and wide adventure, and you also want to get involved in an open world, you can browse this game and give you a chance. These styles of games are of course in a long-term structure, and it is also worth mentioning that this is offered to us by an independent developer. Because you can compile and recover your expectations from the game. With a high-end expectation, you can really enjoy the moments you don’t expect in the game you don’t log in, and those who are familiar with these style games, how they have a structure, and they can surely see differences from other games in Steam reviews.

Game fragman



Alexei Andreyev
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Associate Editor "What is better than a game? TWO GAMES!"

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