In this game we started as Bruce Wayne, we are the owner of our family and father. In addition, we are located in Ceo of Wayne technologies. For this reason, we have rich history and reputation. We spend this wealth and our technology for the goodness of Gotham city. On this road, we try to subcate various enemy groups in Gotham and eliminate corruptions to all these crimes.

Of course, this wealth and reputation are always a price. We see Bruce Wayne’s mother and father’s cataracts with flashbacks we have made back time. We say who is behind this and why something like is experiencing. After the folding of the family, we are going on as a Batman and we are born as a hero to the menstrual. We spend all the technologies and money belonging to ourselves in this moment and try to eliminate all the evil.All these background stories and more are transferred to us in the game.

On the day of this road, we are trying to learn and research the reason why our family has joined, as well as try to eliminate crime organizations that arise in the city of Gotham and digest them. The chapter section is presented and the evil characters that you are talking about Batman films in this construction where exciting events are headed in each section. What these evil characters live in the background, what their purpose is, what they want to do to the city of Gotham and more are offered to us. Since the game is a story and choice-oriented structure, all this rounder locks us on the screen. I can say that we live a nevi cinematic gaming experience.

QTE is an action system

<b='prettyPhoto[gallery1] In the game there is a battle system called KTE. This system actually comes from pressing the keys correctly. In action moments in the game, we are trying to press the keys that are just opposite, we try to do this right time and without ending. Among the keys we will print in the game K, E, Shift + K Shift + E, direction keys and more.

Since the game tries to provide cinematic experience to us, the action and discovering parts are very limited. I can say that every part of the action scenes increases accurately. There is no difficulty in the game. So the keys you will use and print at the right time will be easily overcome.

I can say that this cinematic action situation in the game is well transferred to us. Punch in action moments – kick-off and other superhero movements are clearly transferred. I also have found this system very well in terms of both aesthetically and traceability.

Less discovery and interaction than other Telltale games

< I can say that in this game we have logged as Batman as one of the previously played in other Telltale games, it is much less interaction and discovery elements. So I can say that in this game we are really less interacting with us as one of the Walking Dead series, The Wolflee Us and Game of Thrones. With this construction, cinematic experience in the game has increased higher levels and has given us the chance to play less.

I need to give examples; Telltale’s Walking Dead game is able to talk with long-term environmental characters in many parts, you can explore around, and we were able to take a small ride. In this way, we were more interactions. But in this game, this situation is much shorter and insufficient.

This event was one of the elements that attract attention.So it doesn’t need to look good or badly. Because a part of the player is pleasant from this case, the other part can complain because it is much less interaction. This does not mean that the game is bad in the middle. I can specify here as the only missing part.

Poor bad characters

In the game, we encounter bad characters that we are familiar with DC universe. These are the parts that we’ll be surprised first, and they can’t read the following part if you don’t want to know which are nicely eaten in the game.

The bad characters you will encounter in the game include Catwoman Two-Face, Joker, Lady Arkham and Penguin. Our dating story with each one is different and I can say that it is fine in the story. The game is located on the other hand, and there is also different evil characters.

My faithful friend Alfred

The game, of course, as I mentioned above, our loyal statement is Alfred. Alfred constantly comes to a basis and a friend that we feel in our back. When the game spent together with our family of Alfred. This situation and event weave are quite nice to us. Apart from this, we are going to the past and encounter the feelings of guilt of our death. Despite everything, there is a supporter on our back and approach us with the good heart is very nice feeling.

Is Batman Bruce Wayne? Decision your

The game often offers us the opportunity to be both Batman and Bruce Wayne. Whoever wants to make a choice against events and our departure is completely shaped. Let’s say that the story was an event according to the departure; we can go as Bruce Wayne if we want Batman. The choice belongs to us.

Each character has its unique advantages and disadvantages. If we decide to go as Bruce Wayne, we can have a variety of advantages with our rich identity and the degree of view that people jump to us. If a bad man in the people’s minds, this is the disadvantage. If we’re going to the current event as Batman, our hero’s identity comes into the forefront, it’s the main thing we’ve done to us, and the enemies are also attracting a nevi interest.

The feeling of these two characters in the game was really fully seated, and we are transferred. So when playing with Bruce Wayne, she can know his identity, and she feels really with movements and conversations. When we are playing as Batman, we are able to enter a full superhero role, our chest is rough and we can say that the incident is not afraid of mahaline.

A full cinematic gaming experience

The game gives us a cinematic experience as I mentioned above. There is a structure that attracts us with the way of transferring the story, if necessary in action scenes. Even in action scenes of the game, it is able to perform a wide range of cinematic movements by pressing the necessary keys. These movements come across the form of martial scenes that we watched in aesthetically cinemas – films. This also depends on the game.

The game focuses on story and selections as of general, we usually spend our time following the screen and look at the way of transferring events to us. The game offers a truly beautiful experience in both story and round. What will happen in the next move? What will we come to our head? The questions such as are given. In this way, we want to advance a moment in the game.

The graphic structure that attracts us is

Telltale knows players who play a game of the graphics structure of games immediately. Therefore, beautiful graphics meet us. Place of place is very impressed by the landscapes. In this way, I can say a successful outlook.

Telltale has its own graphic structure and style. With this style of art, players gain their taste. There is nothing to say too much to the graphics of this game. It’s nice and aesthetic to draw characters and environments.

Shadows mode and Crowd play

The game has a Shadows mode besides graphic and coloring that it provides standard to us. This mode gives a new look to the game and gives us a different feeling. Reworked and regulated textures in mode are colored characters and worlds. Thanks to this mode, you can re-enter the sections you play and try the game in a different visuality. In mode a dark tone captured condition and other colors (red, green, blue etc.). colorful TV.

Another innovation is included in the game except Shadows mode. The name of this comes from Crowd play. Thanks to this feature, you can play the game with your friends – viewers. This feature actually affects on elections. Always a friend when we meet the choices you will do in the game – the audience votes on any option. The most rated option is automatically selected in the game and shaped the course of the story accordingly.

This feature provides support for up to 12 people and your friends – viewers can watch the game through the browser and is able to choose from. The audience is mainly broadcasting with this feature, selections are determined by the audience and the course is shaped accordingly.

Sections in foreign array consistency

There are 5 parts in this construction that comes from our foreign array consistency. In these sections, there are also separate parts. Every chapter takes about one and a half an hour and the important events within each section are transferred to us and a summary is passed through the events that are experienced in the previous chapters. This is one of the circumstances we are familiar with foreign arrays.

I really recommend playing the game. This style is among the constructions you need to try if you like advanced games in the form of interactive series. As I mentioned above in the game, the part of the play is very short. So if you don’t get stuck in this situation, I may say that the remaining parties, the story, the departure and selections offer a satisfying experience.



Sebastian Kowalcyzk
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Lead News Editor Indie game developer, music enthusiast

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