Diablo 4’s Season of the Malignant era continues full gas and players believe that Blizzard can develop its Renown task. While players in Diablo 4 can skip the main story, it is not valid for the same luxury side tasks.
Every new season requires a new effort for Renown. Following the feedback from the community, Blizzard allowed Eternal Realm to stay in the circuit of more than two Renown bars, but the seasonal characters still need to visit five regions in Diablo 4 completely. Because Renown system is used as a mechanism that provides significant rewards and advantages.
Diabl is not a thing to be ignored at all of the 4 best issues of side tasks in the absence of rewards
20 Paragon score and 10 Skill points; but the side tasks in Diablo 4 offer quite damp prizes. The only importance in the play cycle of side tasks is to provide Renown scores for each completed task, which leads to the thought that some Diablo 4 players do not use this concept full potential of Blizzard.
More valuable side tasks
Although the atmosphere in the community is stretched after negative reactions from Diablo 4 Patch 1.1 update, players are not assigned to send valuable feedback. Many players believe that the game should improve its side tasks, and Nycalex attracted attention to the issue by starting a discussion on the topic in Diablo 4 subreddit.
As mentioned by NycAlex, complete side tasks provides a nice break from the boring effort of Dungeon and Strongholds in Diablo 4. However, the rewards of completing these tasks often do not give the opposite of effort. Several grass, one or two Slum Crystals, can not be attributed as a few cracked gems and almost no experience points, exciting task rewards.
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Allowing the characters to gain gems that can be scaled according to the level, or lock unique iksir recipes, this effort can feel valuable, and therefore, players can wake up the desire to take more care of the content beyond the need to increase Renown.
Although Diablo 4’s seasonal storytelling is reflected in a unique series of tasks for Season of the Malignant period, Blizzard’s planning to add more lasting side tasks to the game in the future will not be surprising.