Apart from this, the game determines a leader and is of course certain features. For example, after determining a leader, we can get the ability to collect faster gold or have the advantage of coming to enemies faster. This type of leading skills and advantages are also included in the game.

As of the game type, you host many features and face a feature system where your head is mixed. After you select your character in the game, you can take the right to a certain map area, and you are constantly experiencing enemies coming into waves. After these waves, you can unlock certain skills, with the level you skip after certain waves, you can choose what will scare your business from two different advantage menus and then select, of course, you can directly use your advantage in the game.

There are many games that determine the similar concept. But in this game, of course, there are many different features. You can distinguish from other games as far as we already mentioned above from these features. In the game, we can mention that there is a really interesting style in terms of virtual style and get our place here with more cartoon style. Apart from this, there are three different characters in the game and the features that distinguish these characters from other games. Let’s transfer the character controls to be quite simple here and that we can play the game easily with our mouse and keyboard. A construction of tacticality in the forefront of the

The enemies coming over are already able to eliminate them with your own referrals and slow fire the weapons on your hands. On the other hand, there are both nearby fighting and range weapons. With these hardwares, you can choose them if it is more powerful. As we mentioned above in the game, we are able to provide 3 different character advantages in different ways and the selection screen comes to us. You can choose from this selection screen and if we want to improve the strength of which character, we can perform our selection according to it. This is among the elements that increase tacticality in the game.

With these tactical features, you can jump flames on your enemies, the lightning is oiled and you can perform more. There are dozens of tactical and strategy that you can use in this construction, which is really dense. With these strategies, you’re trying to survive in the game and you’ll stay in the case of constantly moving your character to the right. So you don’t have a luxury like you stand hard in the game.

Quick action system

In general, we can specify that a quick action system is adopted in the game. When we dive in
Harita, of course, there are various gold coins that we can get from the enemies here. With these gold coins, we can strengthen ourselves and unlock new skills from the technology tree. Therefore, with these golds that we can quickly collect, we are able to come to the stronger position in the next process. In addition, we can see how many enemies kill at the top of the game screen, and this number constantly increases. The upgrade option from the other side is able to understand the ibare shown on the screen, and when you press the Tab key, you can also do the necessary upgrades.

<img src='http://img.bolumsonucanavari.com/images/Upload/5f580cdb-2fd1-436c-96b8-6ea8346597a0.jpg

<img= If you spend a lot of time in the game, and how many enemy hordes eliminate, you will overcome certain waves as you can see above the screen. When you come to the end of these enemy waves, we can also encounter boss battles here. These battles are of course in a more demanding action experience, and on the other hand, these bosses can bring us into more difficult situation. We are able to see what if the situation is so crowded around.

The game also has different regions. To unlock these zones, of course, you can do different tasks in advance, and the parts you can complete are transferred to you. Different theme of each region, the variety of enemies and the elements you can use. So let’s talk about this type of different regions in the game and this is among the elements that add diversity to the game.

If we are going to be given in general, of course, all the elements required by the type are located on the basis of this game, and we offer fun minutes to us. We are constantly trying to eliminate enemies and enemies from us on the game and there is no moment on the map where our hands are not triggered. If you like these types of productions and want to step by step into a new experience, this game is worth taking a look. This game is similar to which of course there are many constructions but we also mentioned that this game is also different and interesting mechanicals. In our review, you can also access the play images of the game.



Mariana Oliveira
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Associate Editor

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