On the other hand, this tropical island has not only local people. This can interact with local people, and they are able to take tasks from them and try to fulfill their wishes. While doing these tasks, of course, maybe it can be a bit tricky but the fun parts can say we are waiting for. Apart from this, we have different collection products and we try to complete our own collection with these parts. On the other hand, while trying to make a holiday from one side, you can get together with local people, we can advance our relationships with them and even help them in many matters. So the people here are constantly interacting with us.

Our fantasy adventure is full of mystery and magic content in the game. On the other hand, we try to reveal the secrets and mystery that are left on the right. In such games you know that it is very important to discover around and find the elements that will really be explored. Because the discovery event is large in many relaxing gaming experience, and with them, our time to play in the game increases. If it comes to a plain storytelling and against ordinary content, of course, we are bored of these games after a while, but with the elements of discovery, we can see that the content in the game is wider.

With real information, the sea life is explained by the

According to the developer team mentioned, there are a variety of information about the sea life in real life. So if you really want to learn many information about seas and ocean life, you can browse this game and give you a chance. The information included in the game comes to us as accepted information in real life. So you can learn from the other side while having fun on the one hand. This is a situation where those who are interested in their sea life and want to know about it. You can learn the sea life on one hand when playing the game, you can see what living creatures live in the sea life and understand how these creatures have a structure.

Of course, while discovering these creatures and learning a variety of information about these creatures, there are both wild and friendly animals inside. We can provide information in a way that we want with animals, except in the game we are able to photograph them with mechanical means. We are able to make our own photo collection together with photos and so we can see how many lives look like in this game.Of course, there are fascinating creatures that you don’t see in the ocean life. You can see these thanks to this game.

There are a wide range of sea creatures in the game where you can jump to the island adventure and experience a fun structure and you can complete your collection book with these sea creatures. There are wild animals and attractions waiting for discovery in the game. It’s exactly your job to explore them. The game is already researching and seeing a variety of information about these creatures is based on learning.

Steam page

<img src=" You can enter the depths of the ocean and learn many animals here on September 20, we are preparing to go against the game lovers. If you like these games and want to learn a variety of information about sea life and have fun on the one hand, you can browse this game. Steam page is open and you can add to your request list via Steam page and be informed of this game on the day it is released. As I mentioned earlier, the games you add to your request list come through a notification to your email address and you can get notified of this game. So you forget that the game is out of.



Alexei Andreyev
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Associate Editor "What is better than a game? TWO GAMES!"

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