We prepare every order with ourselves individually in this construction that will not be your graphic expectations. When a coffee is desired in the game, the type and content of this coffee is completely prepared by us and we add the aroma in these coffees – extra items. Of course the hard part of this work. So in the game this food and beverage preparation can be difficult in the first place, but after getting used, you can prepare orders quickly and offer customers. The exercise part of the game can perhaps tighten your life.

If you don’t know how to prepare the order in the game, there is a white board at the bottom of your work. It writes what can be done on the board. There are three different tapes on the corner, as well as without having to board. Thanks to these tapes we can learn how to order it, as well as how to prepare cold and hot drinks. There are three cassettes here and the types of food, hot and cold drinks are one of these tapes. If you are stuck in this section you can view how to do.

In this construction where music is ceilinged, there is a horror-filled moments in style. Even a normal customer begins to be scary to our eye, but in this game where there is no scary, fear moments are one of us.

We are constantly working and working hard for your business. We are just afraid and stressed in this construction, where artificial intelligence and animations multiply but we are trying to go back by players and try to experience the story here.

If we are going to take a little look at the story of the game: strange events occur on the wall we find. We are monitored and monitored by a person in this place where some peculiar events occur. Location customers are also talking about these strange events and they can ask us whether we are aware of this strange event. We also note that we are not aware of this situation at first and there is no problem, but things go back to the sarpa, and the rhythm of music in this esnada wrapped in sarpa shows an increase at a time, and different voltage sessions are trying to be transferred to us.

Teas, coffees and foods are only prepared in this production, the dose of voltage gradually increases. At first, it is located in this construction as it works in the normal workplace and then things are becoming more strange. The atmosphere in the game is informed about the future of voltage moments. The game wants to tell and the voltage moments are gradually opened, and we are trying to do our daily routine work in this esnada, and of course, we care not to work as much as possible.

Like Horror game

There are a variety of people in the style of jumpscare rather than fear in the game and our character also reacts to it. But in these parts, we are able to have a little bit of liquor and frighten. In the game, electricity can be cut to increase time voltage and we can find ourselves in the dark at once and I can say that the environment is among the elements stretched. There are not many elements that will stretch and scare us outside the game. So I can say very limited moments that we are afraid in the game.

One of us browses

In this adventure we are thrown as a cafe employee, we actually realize that there is one that overlooks us in the background. Perhaps we don’t care about it in the first time we have noticed, but in the next process, this situation can become more challenging. Because the person following us moves and the efor which he shows is really able to squeeze our lives in our game. The game is already spinning during this foundation and we are trying to get rid of the person who follows us. I can say the main story of the game.

The moves we do can actually change in the game. Thanks to the end of the game, the increase in voltage and action dosage is realized. We are able to move more than one in the last parts of the game and try to actually subcate the person following us. Here we are able to go to different ways, but we fail if the roads we go, and we need to play it again. Therefore, in the end of the game, such a place is corrected, but of course, there is no other freedom. The end and way of the game is certain. I can say that there is no more than one last vesaire in the game.

Playless shot at the bottom of the game


No graphic expectation in the game if you will be able to recover in short, images may be maybe slightly blurred. So here you can disturb your game eye. Apart from this, there are very little voltage and fear moments as I mentioned above. They are already in the style of jumpscare at once. There are no moments to be afraid of it. We can feel voltage when the intermediate electricity is cut or dark around. Apart from this, we take part as a cafe employee and offer a standard service as this cafe employee. In return to this service, we are trying to keep ourselves ahead of day. The game is completely turning around it.

We are able to experience a standard lifestyle in this game that we are constantly going to our home in our workplace.

The game does not necessarily be included among the constructions that must be played, but you can browse this construction during your leisure time and ungame times. If you have any expectation from the game, hele of fear elements.

Steam price

<img/images/images Steam price of the game 11.50 Turkish lira. This production which does not have at high price is offered by an independent developer. I can say f/p product because of the price.



Mariana Oliveira
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Associate Editor

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