With background landscapes and atmosphere, we expect various platform challenges and puzzles. Not only these elements in the game, but various threats will also meet us. We will also need to wrap them into our own capabilities and character skills.

As I mentioned above in this game, we will try to explore the atmosphere and contact of these people. On the one hand, we will encounter different threats in the esna where we discover these, and according to the developer team mentioned, each region will have unique enemy types, these enemy types will vary in every region. It will be completely different with the skills and the skills you need.So we will need to be ready for such threats and dangers in the game.

The game will still have a blue bar at the top left of the screen and under it. You already know how these bars work. The part shown in the can bar with red is blue bar, after using various capabilities, a decreasing system offers us. In the game you can use different skills, these skills are able to move quickly against enemies, and we are able to continue our adventure on the other hand while trying to survive with our character.

With special attacks that we can do in the game, you can easily lower threats, overcome the traps and continue from where we are going to our way with our character. We are trying to explore around the game, open objects that we find around and earn various items. On the right, you can find various crates on the left, in these cases you can find in-game elements, and you are able to get numerous capabilities in this way.

In this construction, which will be met with interesting atmosphere and interesting characters, we will be waiting for us. Afterimage will be located on 15 different areas according to the developer team mentioned. These areas will appear in a semi-open way. Therefore, we can open both explored and overgrown cases. By opening them, we can use our own advantage and achieve various elements and skills that we can lower threats easier. We will continue our way easier. It will be very important to explore around the game and open these cases.

In the game you will have a large number of different talents that I can still use, and with these capabilities, you can easily lower the enemies. There will be both nearby and ranged fighting style in the game. In the range of fighting systems, we can use these magics against enemies and master on these attacks. Again there will be easy controls in the game, thanks to these easy controls, we can easily transmit it in the game and master more easily.

In this game where unique weapons and magics are included, the developer team will have more different types of enemies, so as to be mentioned. The number of these types of enemies is really too much. If you have both the appearance of this type of enemy and unique mobility, it is really a nice job. Because the variety of enemies in these genre constructions is very important and we try to cut a enemy 50 times – 100 times as we see in most games. Thus, such situations can often get players.But this game really aims to offer us a high variety of enemies. Let’s see how to transfer us in the game of the enemy variety. In this construction, we will be waiting for platform and action elements in this production, which will offer us a play experience of the

20-25 hours. If you like this type of platform adventure games, you can browse this construction and give you a chance. Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Switch and PC platform on 26 April.

If you look at the games that will make all out of

– April 10, 2019



Jozef Novák
Posted by :
Associate Editor

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